Mali News

  Our Background
Mayor Abel Kader Sidibe
Mah Niangadou Drabo

Chapter Chairperson
Country Programme Director
Mali has a population of some 14 million, of which close to half are in the productive ages of 15 to 49 years old. The literacy rate among adults is 53.5% for men and 39.6% for women. The current HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate is 1%, which although lower than in many countries of the region, is nevertheless a matter of concern.Read more


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Valuable Links

Latest AIDS Funding Matrix Mali (July 2008)
Go There

Epidemiological report:
Go There

Health financing:
Go there

Country Cooperation Strategy (2010-2015):
Go there

Health Profile:
Go there

Contact Details

Ms Mah Niangadou Drabo
Country Programme Director
Quartier des Fleuves 
c/o Association des Maires du Mali
300 longement
Garantiguibougou Rue 126 Porte
73 face station SOMAPP

Tel.: (+223) 223 70 25  
Fax: (+223) 223 70 25 

[email protected]

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  Our Partners  

The AMICAALL Mali Programme is being implemented with support from a range of partners including: Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Dutch Embassy, GTZ, Group Pivot Sante Population (GPSP), Globe Fund, HCNHLS, UNDP, UNAIDS, UN APP and Dutch partners. Specific support includes:
Federation of Canadian Municipalities - start-up funding provided.
The German Development Cooperation (GTZ) - provided funds for sensitisation activities.
Government of Netherlands - funding to expand programme activities.
UNAIDS - provided a programme acceleration grant in 2004 to undertake start-up and training activities.

  Key facts Mali & HIV/ AIDS  
Latest statistics
Total Population: 14,160 Million
Number of people living with HIV: 76, 000
Adults aged 15 to 49 prevalence rate: 1%
Adults aged 15 and up living with HIV: 66, 000
Women aged 15 and up living with HIV: 40, 000
Children aged 0 to 14 living with HIV: 9, 900
Deaths due to AIDS: 4,400
Orphans due to AIDS aged 0 to 17: 59, 000
Gross national income per capita (PPP international $): 1,171.30
Life expectancy at birth m/f (years): 49.2




(The latest statistics are from UNAIDS, 2009)

Copyright 2010 AMICAALL